jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Movie Review
Name of Movie: “Earth 2100”  

 1.-Describe/list/ outline the main themes of the movie.  (50 words)   Personally I think the main themes of the movie is:
The climate change in the earth.
The extreme pollution in the world would be in a couple years.
The natural resources depletion caused by the unsustainable economy.
The lack international agreement to resolve climate change as a global problem.

 2.    Write a review (200 words) of the video.  Highlight the importance of the movie’s information/ themes/ topics to your own personal experience and professional perspective.

 I think the video was great because use the climate change as a potential reality in the future. Across the video I feel a little sad because seen in a video some think you only have in your head as a thought and in this video  they show you with images your thoughts become reality, oh no!… is extreme disturbing because this reality isn’t good for anybody.  But at the end of the video you think about the important role we have, the extreme power we have to transform the earth. I believe we must change for save the live and this is something we have to do now, no tomorrow, we need a sustainable society who understands the value of the different species the flora and fauna. As a future geographer I understand that everything that happens in our environment have repercussions in our life. There is a link between nature and humans that’s why we have to do the necessary for save the nature, we must give life to receive life.
In my experience I have seen a lot of people who have changed theirs habits to take care of natureal resources, they recycle for example, and is very easy, but this is not a local problem is it a global problem but one begins.

3.- List a minimum of three facts, pieces of important information or “other” from the video that you would like to remember and would want to tell a friend about.

In my opinion three intense events in the video was:
One: the disagreement in to the countries about the emissions of gases, fact that causes a huge climate change could be irreversible.
Two: water scarcity in peripheral cities, cause migrations north
Three: The cities achieved using the natural resources in a sustainable way, green cities.