viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

The best holyday. I´ve ever had.

When I travel to south of Chile I was very surprise with all the southern landscapes. I only went to Los Angeles. But no now. Chiloe, Las Cascadas, Licanray are now part of my memories, of my great experience hitchhiking with my best friend Leo, how is also my boyfriend.

We travelled a lot of time –for me-, one month the complete freedom enjoyed by only two of us. We meet a lot of people how loves the south, and more than that, this people enjoy supernaturally the nature, the energy travel, the love being generated outside but just as well be in. Maybe is very subjective all I said. But, when someone finally do what he dreamed, all the things have this emotion, the subjectivity of the love.

Okay, I want to tell my experience about my travel. Our first stop from Rancagua was San Fernando, the truth is very close than Rancagua (jaja) but anyway that was the first. Then we travelled to Concepción for meet with my friend Valentina, she show us the city as well as it the night life.

The third stop was in Licanray. Oh! This place is very awesome. I liked very much stayed there with my tent. The Kalafquen Lake is warm waters, in fact i will tell you that i immersed myself naked in the water at night. Nobody saw me, only the night, the water, the rock and of course my beloved.

Before four days, we arrive to Rio Bueno. ....

To continue...