viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

A Saudi woman who dared to drive

Good question and excellent the way Manal al- Sharif told her story, a story of struggle lived among many women who decided to end the religious tradition , in my opinion many of the traditions become a terrible reality that presses from the same root conception of minds to some sectors of the community, gender differences , different skin colors , different sexual orientations , being physically different , to be different psychologically , we create names, concepts for chaining everybody's freedom being that the only people able to hold us are actually ourselves, this last sentence is for me is a truth, but still within an oppressive and restrictive environment the fighting with feelings and mind (not necessarily violent ) is much more difficult . We are not all equal, we are similar , and as time goes on we become less homogeneous because individual freedoms are the key to collective freedom .
This video is a good example of how schemes were broken in an oppressive society, told from the experience of a woman in Saudi Arabia which was imprisoned for driving a car in your country. 3 years ago Manal al- Sharif , told that in her country the women can't handle,
first it was a custom but then this custom turned a tradition instituted in religious faith .

She drove twice with his brother, he was sent to detention for one day, and she was sent to jail, 9 days after she was released because there is no law banning women to drive in Saudi Arabia. Many expressions of support erupted in other countries but in his own country is lived differently, threatened to kill her, she didn't give up and calles on June 7 for all asitieran driving, 100 brave women attended that day.


1 comentario:

  1. Paula,
    WC: 299. Very good. Your narration and opinión is mixed, that being, in my opinion, a positive characteristic. You have a talent to write, though you need to work more with the edition of the text.


