jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


“The Internet: Good or Evil?” Describe how the access to information can affect us today, especially thinking of 12-15 year old children.

Do not think you should start with this premise. To say it is good or bad would necessarily be in one position. And like everything in life, both of the two are integrated into one.

Well, the internet is a wonderful tool to connect "almost" instantly. With few seconds apart you can connect by Skype-it is a program that allows video calls connect anywhere with only having downloaded the program on your computador- with anyone anywhere in the world. Many people have generated links, often stained with internet dependency. They have integrated their lives. Like everyone else, no?

Numerous communications links generated by the global opening of globalization have all, well almost all, have access to some good technology device with internet access. So I have it so handy, it has become like instant coffee. Daily is looking at your phone with internet, daily is to check your emails everyday, daily is to send digital photos to your family by Facebook. A question comes to me mind, when I repeat 3 times daily. Is it because, being a great source of quick and easy information, one considered more repeatedly and joins the common life.

Many problems arise with this great permeability information as accessible to all. The bullying, pedophilia, fraud, financial scams are just one example. Two of these examples are related to children or youth. So if one understands that the internet is the big stage with an infinite number of attendees, anyone can have access to your life and especially children. Not only is the dependency that can create this method of communication, but is real damage which can be produce in a "place" that does not seem so tangible for everyone.
 There should be guidance on this issue, teach children to protect themselves so they not to leave damaged.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Paula, how are you? do I believe that it is very quite that thing about to "teach children to protect themselves so they not to leave damaged", but how? ... today children are different from as you and it was me who were in 90's and beginning of 2000's, there are parents who cannot take good relations with them children because the same dependence on the technology takes them to very aggressive reactions.

  2. Hi Paula. I agree with you on much of what you say. It is difficult to educate children about Internet use. I have a nephew of 12 year old and the family pc has many pages internet access blocked by violent considered. But he also has a tablet, a mobile phone with internet access. However it is difficult to control what you see and do.

  3. Paula,

    WC: 302. Great. I think you can write something very interesting, attractive to read. But then again, your edition is not very good. Please pay attention to these comments:

    I Do not think you should start with this premise. To say it IT is good or bad …
    … that allows video calls connectIONS
    … the program on your (computador) ??-
    Numerous communication(s) links generated by (the global opening of globalization???) have
    …So I have it so Handy??? ,
    …. Daily is looking at your phone with internet??, (daily is to check your emails everyday NO! daily is to send digital photos to your family by Facebook) YOU CAN SEND PHOTOS TO YOUR FAMILY DAILY?.
    …one considered more repeatedly and joins the common life.…
    …( The) bullying, pedophilia, fraud, financial scams are just one example.
    Not only is the dependency that this method of communication can create, but (is) THE real damage which can (be produce) in a "place" that does not seem so tangible for everyone.
    so they ARE not (to leave) damaged.


