viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

The drug abuse.

Today i will talk about drug abuse, drugs allowed and not. This permission only based on the laws that "govern us" in Chile.

Personally one of the best known substances within the population: alcohol, it is of interest to me. Why? Because I know some stories of people who've been immersed in alcohol and also my experience.

Today young people in particular, do not understand the significance of the damage that can occur to consume anything in excess. From junk food, television, sex, snuff, to other things they can do other damage.For me, when a person becomes addicted is the lack of mettle and wisdom with the exaltation of self. This knowledge is often acquired through personal experience, when one reflects on what happens to you and understand what happens. Places it in a context and also generates information from the thought of what he felt. But, I, that reflection may also be carried out without having to go through a state of addiction, such as alcoholism. Much time is lost and also one will come to destroy and others around you.

It is part of growing, of building the fortress falling into some problems. The dissemination of stories helps rehabilitation of slippage. Those people who have lived in close proximity own flesh or someone have a task not only himself, but others.

At what level an addiction hurts us at all, on a personal, family, work, friendships.

People do not understand what being an alcoholic. Taking all weekend, extremely is accepted, taking every day, allowing a relative lose your temper at a party is allowed. Not to me. Now it is not. I've never taken in excess. Because I do not want to be dependent, I want to be free from everything that I can attach and cause negative changes in me. I hope all our behaviors analyze each goal.

1 comentario:

  1. Paula,
    WC: 314. A bit too many.
    Interesting point of view, please pay attention to your writing, there are things which are basic and you should correct them. When you talk about alcoholism, you need to talk about "drinking", not "taking", that is a terrible translation.

